
October 3, 2009



gull lake

                                                                                               leisure paddlin


Summer 09 – Muskoka




October 1, 2009

I’m loving the blog 1000AwesomeThings.
It reminds you of the little things in life. 

#788 The first squeeze from a new tube of toothpaste

Plump and juicy, fat and full, a new tube of toothpaste holds a future full of hope and promise just behind its clean cap and dent-free logo. Yes, whiter teeth, brighter smiles, and a world without bad breath are just a few minutes of gentle scrubbing each day away. And unlike a bag of chips or a box of Froot Loops, when you drop ninety-nine cents for a tube of the good stuff, it comes to you filled all the way to the top. And sure, while scraping out one final squeeze from a flat, worn out tube of Colgate is a great rush, that first squeeze from a new tube of paste is even better. You barely need to squeeze it.


#812 When your drowning and a dolphin comes to your rescue
Dangerous Play Ground Equipment
#971 Real Beard Santas
#959 Planning For Snoozes
#739 The Sound of Barely frozen puddles cracking when you step on them

shorty film I’m liken

October 1, 2009

Advanced Leap Frog

Who knew there were so many leap frog positions?  Enjoy!

Cut n Paste

September 30, 2009

“Furr” by Blitzen Trapper

So long Sweet Summer

September 28, 2009

[summer] is where the -girls- go barefoot& their [hearts] are /just as free/ as their toes

You Are What you EAt!

September 27, 2009

“You are What you Eat” is a series of portraits made by examining the interiors of refigerators in homes across United States. For three years MARK MENJIVAR travelled across the States exploring the issue of hunger. EAch fridge is photographed “as is” nothing taken away, nothing added

Bar Tender San Antonio, TX 1-Person Household
Goes to sleep at 8AM and wakes up at 4PM daily. 2008

Midwife/Middle School Science Teacher San Antonio, TX
3-Person Household (including dog) First week after
deciding to eat produce

Bits of EArth

September 27, 2009

Sabrina Ward Harrison makes images that collaborate with this living world – working with it, seeing into it, being inspired by it and creating for it. The landscape of our living is what she presents –- a landscape that unfolds through color, culture, depth of field and slanted light.
The essence of Harrison’s work is a search for the living human spirit –- a quest she undertakes with her hands, her eyes, and her intuitive sensibility. Her work allows a place to unfold, a place to build, a place to reveal and essentially cries the poetry of life. Harrison creates a sense of openness and breath, light and history. Her images are imbued with a power that is both accessible and universal at their core. As you observe her work, time moves with you and you find yourself in a place where moment and memory meet. The work of Sabrina Ward Harrison invites liberation and inspires a thriving life.

cake by Clare

September 27, 2009

I’m really loving Clare Grill’s contribution to 20×200 this week. Simply called Cake, Clare has made such an incredibly lively painting of a cake, with lots of expressive brush strokes and great colors as well. I also love how she did the flames on the candles, it really catches the essence of that time right before you blow out your candles. It also kind of reminds me of a more expressive version of a Thiebaud painting.

Shorty Film Friday

September 25, 2009

Things i Like, Things i Hate

A Must see… Kinda reminds me of Ameli


September 7, 2009